Your contributions enable Linked UP Church to fulfill God given mission and purpose. Your contributions also enable Linked UP Church to connect and support community efforts.
Text “GIVE” to 678-203-2500 and follow the instructions.
Give During Service
Fill out a white offering envelope and place it in an offering bucket or receptacle as you exit the Worship Center. You can use this envelope to give by cash, debit/credit card or check.
Online Giving
You can use our secure portal to quickly and easily give online or learn more about managing your account.
The Act of Giving Changes Us, Making Us Like Our Generous Creator.
God is the ultimate giver who gave the most precious gift, His son Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins.
2 Corinthians 9:6(TPT)
6 Here’s my point. A stingy sower will reap a meager harvest, but the one who sows from a generous spirit will reap an abundant harvest.
2 Corinthians 9:7(TPT)
7 Let giving flow from your heart, not from a sense of religious duty. Let it spring up freely from the joy of giving – all because God loves hilarious generosity!